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건강운동관리사 연수원 운영한다(PKNU plans to run a training center for Exercise Specialists)
작성일 2020-12-11 조회수 99

부경대학교(총장 김영섭)가 문화체육관광부 지정 체육지도자 연수기관으로 선정됐다고 5월 19일 밝혔다.

부경대는 이번 공모에서 연수 시설과 인력, 우수 연수프로그램 등을 높이 평가 받아 부산?경남지역 기관 중 처음으로 건강운동관리사 연수기관에 지정됐다.

건강운동관리사란 의사의 의뢰를 받아 건강증진, 합병증 예방 등을 위해 치료와 운동이 필요한 사람에게 운동 수행방법을 지도?관리하는 사람을 말한다. 건강운동관리자 자격을 취득하기 위해서는 필기?실기?구술시험을 통과한 후 200시간의 연수과정을 이수해야 한다.

부경대는 이번 연수기관 지정에 따라 건강운동관리사 연수원을 설립해 건강운동관리사 연수과정 운영에 나선다.

이를 위해 부경대는 학내 해양스포츠학과와 생활체육지도자연수원 등의 자원을 적극 활용해 일반연수 및 현장실습 등을 진행할 계획이다.

이와 함께 부산시체육회, 대학병원, 종합병원, 보건소, 국민체육센터 등 외부기관과 협업체계를 구축하고 현장 전문가를 강사진으로 초빙, 실습과 사례 중심의 현장 밀착형 교육을 통해 전문성을 갖춘 건강운동관리사를 양성한다.

한편 부경대는 생활체육지도자연수원을 운영하며 지난해 우수연수기관으로 선정되는 등 우수 체육지도자 연수기관으로 인정받고 있다. <부경투데이>

PKNU, selected as a training institute for physical directors at the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism
Designated for the first time in Busan · Gyeongnam area ... also runs a training course for Exercise Specialists

Pukyong National University (President Kim Young-seup) announced on May,19 that PKNU has been selected as a training institute designated by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism.

Pukyong National University has been highly regarded for its training facilities, manpower, and excellent training programs in this competition, and is the first institution in Busan and Gyeongnam to be designated as a training agency for health exercise specialists.

An exercise specialist refers to a person who instructs and manages how to perform exercise to a person who needs treatment and to build up health, and preventing complications of diseases, etc., with a referral from a doctor. In order to acquire exercise specialist qualification, it is necessary to complete a 200-hour training course after passing the written, practical, and oral examinations.

As designated as the training institute, Pukyong National University will establish a training center for health exercise managers and will start operating the training course for exercise specialists.

For the purpose, Pukyong National University plans to conduct general trainings and field education by actively utilizing resources such as the Department of Marine Sports and a Training Center for Life Athletic Directors in the campus.

Along with this, a cooperation system is established with external organizations such as the Busan Sports Association, University Hospitals, General Hospitals, Public Health Center, and National Sports Center. In addition, by inviting field experts as instructors, they will cultivate health specialists with expertise through field trainings based on practice and case studies.

Meanwhile, Pukyong National University is operating a Training Center for Life Athletic Directors, and it is recognized as a training institution for outstanding physical education leaders, such as being selected as an excellent training institution last year.


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